Saturday, November 02, 2019

Circle of life piece names!

My modest proposal for the desired piece names for the new, smash game "Circle of Life" that can now be played at Board Game Arena.  ...  I am putting all of the stress on size and shape and mapping that to well known animals.  Whether the predation scheme makes sense or not, I'm much less concerned about.  Although I think it does for the most part.  Also, notice that all of the 3 or less hex pieces are a sort of insect and all of the tetrahexes are higher life forms.  I thought that would be important and helpful.  ...  If you like abstract strategy games, you should give this one a try.  Very interesting so far!

Edit:  I've continued to play this game many times since writing this post.  The piece names are very useful to give some actual words to certain tactics and strategies that you wish to remember.  (The other night I was playing on my tablet in the den and yelled out "Oh no, he's going to lemur my squirrel!"  My wife thought I'd finally lost all of my marbles.)

But, there was one big issue with the original scheme.  I couldn't remember which was the caterpillar and which was the centipede!  They both have 3 hexes and they both start with a "c".  That's not helpful at all.  Therefore, I wish to rename the straight-3 piece to "mantis".  Enjoy.  ...  And, try not to let anyone beetle your mantis!  :p  



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